
Mar 13, 2020


Am I the only one who gets a funny feeling in my stomach before interviews. It's like butterflies but not like the good kind when I see my celebrity crush. Honestly please let me know if I'm the only one. Anyhow, We all have this pressure before attending the interview. There's also that ''WHAT IF'' part, where we ask ourselves will I get hired, did I spray enough deodorant? Its an unexplainable situation but most people feel some type of way before, during and after the interview.

It's so important that you're relaxed and COMFORTABLE during the interview session, this not only shows how reserved you are but also helps the building of your confidence during the interview. If the room is too cold, request for the temperature to be raised (LOL).

The following list has DO's and DONT's tips during the session to gain the employer's attention and achieve the goal of EMPLOYMENT.


If the FIRST IMPRESSION is everything when you meet your date, imagine how important it is during the interview. You are looking to grab the interviewer first sight attention, then dress accordingly to the profession you are to be interviewed. You don't want to be that unforgettable candidate because of A BAD WIG, bright colors or torn clothes.

Never dress casually to the interview unless instructed. Imagine wearing a t-shirt and jeans then showing up for a banking role. It's better to be more FORMAL than too casual. You don't want the interviewer to think that you're rough, shabby and you'll dress the same way once they hire you.

  1. TIME

Should interviewers wait for you or is it the other way round? I suggest you arrive at least 30minutes before the interview. Don't give an interviewer initial reasons to disqualify you because of poor TIME MANAGEMENT skills. Always wake up early and get prepared on the day of the interview. You can also research knowledge about the company location.

BAD TRAFFIC shouldn't be an excuse for arriving late. If due to unavoidable circumstances you're late, then give the interviewers a call.


Either you are shy or not making use of body language that is positive and indicates interest in the job position. The best way to show confidence is by sitting in an open stance. Think of the interview as a CONVERSATION, not an INTERROGATION. Make proper eye contact, proper hand movement shows emphasizes will help the interviewers see your CONFIDENCE.

We all get nervous sometimes but try not to crawl into space or fall into pieces mode. Make sure to take a breath, hold it together when it gets intense because it can sometimes. You should control the flow of the conversation with your great body language.


We all know how the old saying goes, ''Practice makes perfect''. Gather your relatives, friends, boyfriend/girlfriend and have a mock interview session. For the ones living single, a mirror is always your best friend or have a mock phone interview with a colleague. Create a scenario and be prepared to answer all the questions. This habit will help raise your confidence and turn you into the PERFECT CANDIDATE.


Tell us what you know about our company is a common question and you should always expect it. Employers would like to hear specific information that you have researched about them. Research the company details and make it relatable to your career path. Employers are usually impressed by a STAND OUT CANDIDATE.

Make sure you get valid information about the company from their websites, Linkedin profiles, social media pages, and other news sources. Seek all necessary information and step in the room with the belief that you're already part of the company. This OWN IT mentality will take you a long way.


You want to secure the job, but an interviewer would always want to know why do you want to leave your current job Or why did you leave your job? I advise having a positive defense on both sides. Don’t drag your former or past employer with negative comments no matter how real the situation made you leave.

Once you speak badly about your former employer, you are raising RED FLAGS to your potential future employers that you will do the same when you leave. Let's try to embrace the places we used to work as in one way on another they played a big part in our experience and work efficiency.


If the company hasn't shared a job description with you, then search for more information about the role, day to day activities/task and expected responsibilities. Being fully informed shows you are interested, confidence and initiative person. How do you expect someone to employ you when even you're clueless about your duties

  1. SLEEP

Some people stay up late due to insomnia, watching movies or working late. A night before the interview it is essential to get enough sleep. Enough sleep refreshen your mind and generates new energy for the day ahead. The activities you do the night before an interview can predict how the interview day will be.

Have you ever picked up a phone call during an interview? Me neither. As I said earlier, interviewers notice everything. Receiving phone calls during interviews distracts the interview flow. Make sure to switch off your phone and place it in your pocket or handbag.
Ask QUESTIONS to the interviewers after they're done questioning you. Also, Don't forget to send a ''THANK YOU EMAIL ''. Few people do this, try to adapt as it increases your chances and possibilities of being hired. It also shows how professional and serious you are in terms of the position.
Have you registered with us? if not kindly visit our website for a complete outstanding profile.


Laila Kangale


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